Friday, July 14, 2006

SMU graduate Stacy Seebode's photos from Ghana

Recent SMU journalism/dance grad, Stacy Seebode, sent these images from Ghana. Stacy plans to settle in Tampa.

You'll need to create an account on this Kodak site to see the images.

See the "100 Great American Photographs" exhibit in Fort Worth

The Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth is currently showing "100 Great American Photographs" through August 20. I strongly recommend this exhibit to all my students, as well as anyone interested in photography.

The show includes some of the best images of the past 165 years. It's a great excuse to visit beautiful historic Fort Worth--as if you needed an excuse!!!

Superb images by an unheralded genius

Peter Feresten has been teaching photography to students at Tarrant County College for the past 32 years, a graduate of Columbia and the Rhode Island School of Design, his images of one Fort Worth neighborhood's past are clean, elegant and beautiful.

Yes, policemen can take your images

Here's a story from Anchorage where police actually took images of a shooting scene shot by a photographer for the Anchorage Daily News.