Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rob Curley's tips for aspiring journalists

Rob Curley, one of the brightest innovators in online journalism, recently offered his thoughts on what an aspiring online journalist should be thinking about.

Curley is regarded as one of the best minds in journalism today and his work in making newspaper Web sites vital and relevant is viewed as the industry standard.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Newspaper Web video: One Brit's view

"Why, professor Hart, are we discussing video rather than digital photojournalism?" you ask.

Because students, video looms near in your post-graduation future. You will shoot video, you will edit video and you will post video to the Web in the very near term. Our local daily, The Dallas Morning News, is not only issuing video cameras to its photo staff, but many reporters are being equipped with video cameras as well.

Learn it, get used to it, embrace it.

In his excellent blog, television news veteran and journalism professor, Adrian Monck, suggests that British newspapers still have a long way to go toward understanding how to best use video online. He offers a few quick tips for newspapers attempting to shoot for the Web.